A sneak peek into the world of astronomy

A comet

Few days back, I had attended a workshop conducted by SPACE in my school.
SPACE is an organization which offers hands-on learning experience on astronomy related topics through workshop demonstration in schools. Their aim is to spread the science of astronomy through products that are simple to understand and fun to make.

The workshop started with a quiz on space and celestial objects. Out of the four questions asked to the audience, I answered a question correctly and was told that I would be a part of a fun activity. Elated, I turned my mind back to what the fecilitator was speaking about. It was then that I learnt about products which SPACE teach us to make. They teach us to make hydro powered rockets and models of comets. SPACE offers a range of competions and chance to meet an astronaut or an astronomer.

Our facilitator asked us a tricky question which was, 'Why can't a plane or a jet fly in space if a rocket can?' Several hands went up but none got the right answer! I racked my brains as well, but could not find an answer. The facilitator gave us the answer, a simple, but interesting one. A plane or jet cannot fly in space because they need a medium to travel on, in their case, air. As several of us oohed and aahed at this answer, I was very interested and promised myself to learn more on this subject. 😊

After this interesting fact, two girls who had answered one of the questions at the beginning came forward and made a comet. With guidance from the fecilitator, they took a powder and mixed it with dry ice kept at -76 degree celcius. After a lot of mixing and crushing, it looked just like a comet.

With lots of learning through this fun filled workshop, we proceeded towards the school grounds. I along with three others who answered the questions correctly were given the chance to launch hydro powered rockets made by SPACE! I along with my partner launched the rocket after the countdown hit zero. As the rockets blasted of into the sky, we were showered with water as our clothes got drenched. It was worth it as I had a lot of fun in launching the rocket and hope to get more such opportunities.😤

If you get a chance, I would recommend you to attend the SPACE conducted workshop. I am sure it will be a fun experience.


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