Trip to Moriumius, Oshika and Kinkasan - Day 4

Image result for compass"The sounds of the flora and fauna aroused me from my deep sleep as I woke up on the fourth and final day of my school residential trip to Moriumius, Oshika and Kinkasan

Following an amazing starry night in a tent, we ran helter-skelter in packing our suit-cases, getting ready for the day, and happily munching on a mouth full of breakfast!! After we finally sorted ourselves, we boarded our bus and drove to our activities site in the Oshika area where I learnt that we were going to learn how to decipher maps and compasses! 

Using the same groups that we were put into in day 3, we were first given a map with each team having a different trail(route) to follow. The map contained different symbols to represent the landmarks alongside the trail and it was our job to figure them out.

Highly enthusiastic about our map skills, we started our walk, only to realise fifteen minutes later, that we had gone the wrong way!! Though we were exasperated with ourselves, a quick glance of the surroundings around us replaced the pout on our faces to a grin as we were mesmerized by the tall conifer trees, the crystal pure air and the sparkling sea all neatly arranged to fit into one frame. As we successfully carried on with the trail, I noticed the change in the landscape as we went from long winding roads to small weather-beaten ones. Then, we arrived at our destination, the sea!! We ran through the sandy beach as we saw the gentle-caressing waves, smooth pebbles and hermit crabs swimming about!!

After getting back to our start point, we began the compass trail. I was very excited to do this activity as it was the first time I would be handling a compass. I learnt how to use a compass which included, finding out the degree of direction in which we wanted to go, lining the degree to the north, and correctly matching it to the actual direction. The trail was over three kilometers and all along the way, there were boards put up with fun questions and new compass bearings that we had to solve in order to complete the trail. 

Following an amazing morning session, we ate a sumptuous traditional Japanese lunch consisting of raw fish, raw shrimp and an absolutely lip-smacking desert of cut mangoes and apples mixed with a scrumptious peach syrup. 

Then, we climbed onto our buses and subsequent to a wonderful four days, we returned back home.

In conclusion, my first school residential trip to Moriumius, Oshika and Kinkasan was cherishable and marvellous because I could do so many activities which I did not do before. I am eagerly waiting for the upcoming school trips as well too😃


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